I go to school in the afternoon. khe)
5hì goes to school in the morning.
I start my computer science classes this semester. (they- their)
2. She says good things to her mom, (we - our)
3. They finísh their English course this year. (t - my)
4. He stays at school after class. (We)
5. We stay at school to study for the ltalian test, (He)
6. They staft a new German course today. (5he)
1 . They always start their meetings after lunch.
2. My mother opens all the windows in the house.
3. Why does she always stay at school after class?
4. Myartclasses startat4o'clockon Tuesdays.
5. I need to go ïo work by subway today.
6. When do you need to start your swimming classes?
7. We still don't know how to speak Spanish very well,
8. When do you need to fìnish your computer science classes?
9. What time do we need to finish our meeting?
1 0. Do they need to sell their house at the beach?
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